Why use a content management system (CMS) to build your website?

Looking to build a website? Or, maybe you have one that your cousin made for you that’s not quite right, and every time you call him to update the site he’s always busy…? If that’s the case, than a CMS might be what you need.

By definition, a content management system (CMS) is:
“A system designed to simplify the publication of web content to web sites and mobile devices — in particular, allowing content creators to create, submit and manage contents without requiring technical knowledge of any Web Programming Languages or Markup Languages such as HTML or the uploading of files.”

A CMS usually comes with pre-designed templates that you can customize—within limitations, of course. Usually, you can upload your own images and content. You can change the color scheme, replace the default logo or header with you own. An example of a CMS would be Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Weebly and even Blogger. There are even shopping cart-based CMSs for your ecommerce business.

Getting it done
The beauty of using a CMS is that it gives you a running headstart on the development of your website. Generally speaking, anyone can do it if you know your way around the internet. The end result is a deceit-looking website.

The downside of using a CMS is that if seeing a line of HTML or CSS code is like reading Japanese, than you have a problem. In order to take your website to the next level and become a cohesive extension of your brand, you need to be able to manipulate the HTML/CSS code that controls the look and feel of the website. Think of it like building a house. You hire contractors to lay the foundation and build the framework, but to customize the house to the way that will best suite your needs you need to hire architects and interior designers to design the house. Or, if the house is already built, you may hire a contractor to knock down walls or add an addition. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all web template.

What your thoughts about CMS? Contact me, if you need a designer customize your content management system or web template.

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